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snippet: FEMA Individual Assistance program data aggregated to USNG 1km and 5km grids.
summary: FEMA Individual Assistance program data aggregated to USNG 1km and 5km grids.
extent: [[-166.823265579,13.33230403],[144.966979028,68.369252187]]
accessInformation: FEMA
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
maxScale: 1.7976931348623157E308
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: Individual Assistance Applicant, Eligibility Obligations and Inspections aggregated to USNG 1km and 5km grids. Data is updated every morning at 3am. Approved amounts are not reflective of any adjustments to awards performed by FEMA Finance Center or US Treasury. NOTES: - Applicants_Valid can be mapped using the Total IA Applicants Aggregated to 1KM USNG or Total IA Applicants Aggregated to 5KM USNG layers, in AGOL, just switch the column mapped from Applicants_All to Applicants_Valid - Data is designed to be filtered/queried by DISASTER_NUMBER and STATEABR - Default maximum value of the class breaks were set above the highest value of a grid at the time the service was published. - The end user should account for the class break max values growing above the maximum class break value, and adjust within their web map. Contact email:
title: IA_Aggregate_USNG
type: Map Service
tags: ["IA","Individual Assistance","Inspections","Eligibility"]
culture: en-US
name: IA_Aggregate_USNG
guid: F598B439-A0D7-4598-AE87-D48789485E12
minScale: 0
spatialReference: GCS_WGS_1984