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Service Description: Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (referred to as the Stafford Act - 42 U.S.C. 5721 et seq.)
Map Name: Active Disasters
All Layers and Tables
Dynamic Legend
Dynamic All Layers
Major Disasters Declarations (0)
DR-4861-WV (325)
DR-4860-KY (324)
DR-4859-AK (1)
DR-4858-SC (2)
DR-4857-Native Village of Kwigillingok:IR (3)
DR-4856-CA (4)
DR-4855-MO (5)
DR-4854-OR (6)
DR-4853-Native Village of Kipnuk:IR (7)
DR-4852-ND (8)
DR-4851-WV (9)
DR-4850-PR (10)
DR-4849-Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation, Washington:IR (11)
DR-4848-KY (12)
DR-4847-Crow Tribe of Montana:IR (13)
DR-4846-AK (14)
DR-4845-WY (15)
DR-4844-Seminole Tribe of Florida:IR (16)
DR-4843-NM (17)
DR-4842-Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe of the Cheyenne River Reservation, South Dakota:IR (18)
DR-4841-VI (19)
DR-4840-Havasupai Tribe of the Havasupai Reservation, Arizona:IR (20)
DR-4839-NY (21)
DR-4838-NE (22)
DR-4837-NC (23)
DR-4836-AK (24)
DR-4835-SC (25)
DR-4834-FL (26)
DR-4833-San Carlos Apache Tribe of the San Carlos Reservation, Arizona:IR (27)
DR-4832-TN (28)
DR-4831-VA (29)
DR-4830-GA (30)
DR-4829-SC (31)
DR-4828-FL (32)
DR-4827-NC (33)
DR-4826-VT (34)
DR-4825-NY (35)
DR-4824-KS (36)
DR-4823-Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Indian Nation of the Yakama Reservation, Washington (37)
DR-4822-NE (38)
DR-4821-GA (39)
DR-4820-CT (40)
DR-4819-IL (41)
DR-4818-St. Regis Band of Mohawk Indians of New York (42)
DR-4817-LA (43)
DR-4816-VT (44)
DR-4815-PA (45)
DR-4814-NY (46)
DR-4813-MT (47)
DR-4812-NH (48)
DR-4811-KS (49)
DR-4810-VT (50)
DR-4809-Santa Clara Pueblo (51)
DR-4808-NE (52)
DR-4807-SD (53)
DR-4806-FL (54)
DR-4805-PR (55)
DR-4804-KY (56)
DR-4803-MO (57)
DR-4802-Chickasaw Nation, Oklahoma (58)
DR-4801-Rocky Boy's Reservation (59)
DR-4800-KS (60)
DR-4799-NH (61)
DR-4798-TX (62)
DR-4797-MN (63)
DR-4796-IA (64)
DR-4795-NM (65)
DR-4794-FL (66)
DR-4793-HI (67)
DR-4792-TN (68)
DR-4791-OK (69)
DR-4790-MS (70)
DR-4789-ID (71)
DR-4788-AR (72)
DR-4787-WV (73)
DR-4786-NE (74)
DR-4785-ME (75)
DR-4784-IA (76)
DR-4783-WV (77)
DR-4782-KY (78)
DR-4781-TX (79)
DR-4780-MA (80)
DR-4779-IA (81)
DR-4778-NE (82)
DR-4777-OH (83)
DR-4776-OK (84)
DR-4775-WA (85)
DR-4774-KS (86)
DR-4773-Hoopa Valley Tribe, California (87)
DR-4772-Morongo Band of Mission Indians (88)
DR-4771-NH (89)
DR-4770-VT (90)
DR-4769-CA (91)
DR-4768-OR (92)
DR-4767-AK (93)
DR-4766-RI (94)
DR-4765-RI (95)
DR-4764-ME (96)
DR-4763-Wrangell Cooperative Association (97)
DR-4762-VT (98)
DR-4761-NH (99)
DR-4760-ND (100)
DR-4759-WA (101)
DR-4758-CA (102)
DR-4757-MI (103)
DR-4756-WV (104)
DR-4755-NY (105)
DR-4754-ME (106)
DR-4753-RI (107)
DR-4752-UT (108)
DR-4751-TN (109)
DR-4750-CA (110)
DR-4749-IL (111)
DR-4748-AR (112)
DR-4747-KS (113)
DR-4746-Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians of the Cahuilla Indian Reservation, California (114)
DR-4745-MT (115)
DR-4744-VT (116)
DR-4743-La Jolla Band of Luiseno Mission Indians of the La Jolla Reservation, California (117)
DR-4742-TN (118)
DR-4741-MO (119)
DR-4740-NH (120)
DR-4739-WY (121)
DR-4738-GA (122)
DR-4737-ME (123)
DR-4736-ME (124)
DR-4735-TN (125)
DR-4734-FL (126)
DR-4733-Burns Paiute Tribe of the Burns Paiute Indian Colony of Oregon (127)
DR-4732-IA (128)
DR-4731-CO (129)
DR-4730-AK (130)
DR-4729-TN (131)
DR-4728-IL (132)
DR-4727-MS (133)
DR-4726-MT (134)
DR-4725-NJ (135)
DR-4724-HI (136)
DR-4723-NY (137)
DR-4722-Prairie Island Indian Community of Minnesota Mdewakanton Sioux Indians of the Prairie Island Reservation, Minnesota (138)
DR-4721-OK (139)
DR-4720-VT (140)
DR-4719-ME (141)
DR-4718-SD (142)
DR-4717-ND (143)
DR-4716-MP (144)
DR-4715-GU (145)
DR-4714-Soboda Band of Luiseno Mission Indians of the Soboda Reservation, California (146)
DR-4713-Soboda Band of Luiseno Mission Indians of the Soboda Reservation, California (147)
DR-4712-TN (148)
DR-4711-KY (149)
DR-4710-AL (150)
DR-4709-FL (151)
DR-4708-NV (152)
DR-4707-Hoopa Valley Tribe, California (153)
DR-4706-OK (154)
DR-4705-TX (155)
DR-4704-IN (156)
DR-4703-Navajo Nation (157)
DR-4702-KY (158)
DR-4701-TN (159)
DR-4700-AR (160)
DR-4699-CA (161)
DR-4698-AR (162)
DR-4697-MS (163)
DR-4696-ME (164)
DR-4695-VT (165)
DR-4694-NY (166)
DR-4693-NH (167)
DR-4692-Bear River Band of the Rohnerville Rancheria of California (168)
DR-4691-TN (169)
DR-4690-Muscogee (Creek) Nation, Oklahoma (170)
DR-4689-SD (171)
DR-4688-Oglala Sioux Tribe of the Pine Ridge Reservation, South Dakota (172)
DR-4687-Rosebud Sioux Tribe of the Rosebud Indian Reservation, South Dakota (173)
DR-4686-ND (174)
DR-4685-GA (175)
DR-4684-AL (176)
DR-4683-CA (177)
DR-4682-WA (178)
DR-4681-Havasupai Tribe of the Havasupai Reservation, Arizona (179)
DR-4680-FL (180)
DR-4679-WV (181)
DR-4678-WV (182)
DR-4677-SC (183)
DR-4676-IL (184)
DR-4674-VA (185)
DR-4673-Seminole Tribe of Florida (186)
DR-4672-AK (187)
DR-4671-PR (188)
DR-4669-AS (189)
DR-4667-AK (190)
DR-4666-MN (191)
DR-4663-KY (192)
DR-4661-AK (193)
DR-4660-ND (194)
DR-4659-Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians (195)
DR-4658-MN (196)
DR-4652-NM (197)
DR-4650-Skokomish Indian Tribe of the Skokomish Reservation, Washington (198)
DR-4648-AK (199)
DR-4647-ME (200)
DR-4646-AK (201)
DR-4643-KY (202)
DR-4639-HI (203)
DR-4635-WA (204)
DR-4631-Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation, Washington (205)
DR-4630-KY (206)
DR-4624-NH (207)
DR-4622-NH (208)
DR-4620-AZ (209)
DR-4619-CA (210)
DR-4617-NC (211)
DR-4611-LA (212)
DR-4610-CA (213)
DR-4591-Poarch Band of Creek Indians of Alabama (214)
DR-4584-WA (215)
DR-4582-Navajo Reservation (216)
DR-4562-OR (217)
DR-4560-PR (218)
DR-4545-Seminole Tribe of Florida (219)
DR-4539-WA (220)
DR-4537-AS (221)
DR-4535-WY (222)
DR-4534-ID (223)
DR-4533-AK (224)
DR-4532-VT (225)
DR-4531-MN (226)
DR-4530-OK (227)
DR-4529-NM (228)
DR-4528-MS (229)
DR-4527-SD (230)
DR-4526-DE (231)
DR-4525-UT (232)
DR-4524-AZ (233)
DR-4523-NV (234)
DR-4522-ME (235)
DR-4521-NE (236)
DR-4520-WI (237)
DR-4518-AR (238)
DR-4517-WV (239)
DR-4516-NH (240)
DR-4515-IN (241)
DR-4514-TN (242)
DR-4513-VI (243)
DR-4512-VA (244)
DR-4511-MP (245)
DR-4510-HI (246)
DR-4509-ND (247)
DR-4508-MT (248)
DR-4507-OH (249)
DR-4506-PA (250)
DR-4505-RI (251)
DR-4504-KS (252)
DR-4503-AL (253)
DR-4502-DC (254)
DR-4501-GA (255)
DR-4500-CT (256)
DR-4499-OR (257)
DR-4498-CO (258)
DR-4497-KY (259)
DR-4496-MA (260)
DR-4495-GU (261)
DR-4494-MI (262)
DR-4493-PR (263)
DR-4492-SC (264)
DR-4491-MD (265)
DR-4490-MO (266)
DR-4489-IL (267)
DR-4488-NJ (268)
DR-4487-NC (269)
DR-4486-FL (270)
DR-4485-TX (271)
DR-4484-LA (272)
DR-4483-IA (273)
DR-4482-CA (274)
DR-4481-WA (275)
DR-4480-NY (276)
DR-4473-PR (277)
Emergency Declarations (278)
Description: Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (referred to as the Stafford Act - 42 U.S.C. 5721 et seq.)
Copyright Text: FEMA
Spatial Reference:
GEOGCS["Longitude / Latitude [WGS 84]",DATUM["WGS 84",SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137.0,298.257223563]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0.0],UNIT["Degree",0.0174532925199433]]
Single Fused Map Cache: false
Initial Extent:
XMin: -137.25210590905388
YMin: 5.045198134733681
XMax: -59.98598956102618
YMax: 65.29060237740691
Spatial Reference: GEOGCS["Longitude / Latitude [WGS 84]",DATUM["WGS 84",SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137.0,298.257223563]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0.0],UNIT["Degree",0.0174532925199433]]
Full Extent:
XMin: -179.16856682599996
YMin: -14.382478029999959
XMax: 179.7487094490001
YMax: 71.39048202300006
Spatial Reference: GEOGCS["Longitude / Latitude [WGS 84]",DATUM["WGS 84",SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137.0,298.257223563]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0.0],UNIT["Degree",0.0174532925199433]]
Units: esriDecimalDegrees
Document Info:
Title: Designated Counties
Comments: Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (referred to as the Stafford Act - 42 U.S.C. 5721 et seq.)
Subject: Federal Disaster Declared Counties.
Keywords: Declarations,Designated,Disaster
AntialiasingMode: None
TextAntialiasingMode: Force
Supports Dynamic Layers: true
MaxRecordCount: 2000
MaxImageHeight: 4096
MaxImageWidth: 4096
Supported Query Formats: JSON, geoJSON, PBF
Supports Query Data Elements: true
Min Scale: 0
Max Scale: 0
Supports Datum Transformation: true
Child Resources:
Dynamic Layer
Supported Operations:
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